Survival strategies. Connecting.

Art (and artists) can be tired, precarious, politically invisible, economically inactive or insufficiently profitable. And still, art has an incredible power to survive. For the last event of 2023, we choose the word ‘survive’ as an allusion to the need to function (often despite the systems in which we live). Y: Survive! invites specialists on survival in art, theatre, culture, life in the Czech Republic, life in Europe, and life on Planet Earth to its space.

But still, we ask: don’t we want to do more than just survive?

We don’t want to view survival as a basic state of sacrifice, struggle, loneliness and depletion. We want to survive together, in symbiosis, with an emancipating and surprising strength and zest for life. Y: Survive! wants to be a celebration of living and surviving, because if we manage to survive long enough, we will build surprising connections that won’t collapse under their own weight.


For Y: Survive! we are seeking art or interventions in any form [performance, object, text, audiovisual, theatre, drawing/painting] that relate in any way to the topic of thriving and flourishing in life.

We are also interested in forms and formats with the ambition to pass on strategies of collaboration, survival, empathy, and identifying and overcoming problems [such as performance lectures, user manuals, graphs, textbooks, training plans, instructional videos, and stories of emancipation].

It is possible to apply with already existing works, long-term research or with newly developed concepts. Y Events endevours to establish such environment that allows to develop own processes; therefore we are looking for mainly for proposals that are not conceived only for the purpose of this call, but play a significant role in building up your practice or experimenting with new layers (thematic, aesthetic, presenting).

The call is open to both individuals and collectives working in any (non)artistic fields.
Out of the call 5–10 proposals will be selected.

Selected submissions will be used to build the event environment (temporal and spatial). The resulting space enveloping all attendees (spectators, artists, theoreticians). Evening’s environment will be finalized via individual consultations as well as group meetings and discussions among all participants, taking place in X10 theatre.


Y Events provides:

  • artistic fee
  • reimbursement of small material expenses
  • full technical and production support for the proposal
  • possibility of microresidency [3–5 days] in one of partner studios for up to two selected proposals
  • curatorial consultations


  • Deadline _ 30th June
  • Results _13th August
  • Installation _ 25th + 26th November
  • Event _ 27th November


submission of the application is possible in two ways:



CURATORS Anna Chrtková & Petr Dlouhý
GRAPHICS Anna Chrtková ml.
PRODUCER Divadlo X10

Y Events is a series of events which operates on the edges of theatre and looks for the places where theatre merges with visual arts, performance art, music, sound and theory.
